
Ben & Courtney’s Sailboat Engagement | Connecticut Engagement Photographer

A couple weeks ago I had the honor of photographing an engagement session for my friends Ben and Courtney on their sailboat. With all of the rain we had the past few weeks, it was complicated narrowing down a day that would be good to go out on the water, but we ended up with the most perfect of all summer days.

I met my friend Ben back in high school (in a film photography class no less!) and we have been good friends ever since. Ben has always been supportive of my creative adventures and he is one of the only friends from back in the day that has always made it a priority to stay in touch, no matter the time or distance. I am very blessed to have such a kind and generous friend. When he first introduced Courtney to Matthew and I we knew right away that she was the one for Ben and that one day we would be valuing our friendship with Courtney just as much as we value our friendship with Ben. Words cannot describe how happy I am that they both found one another. If there was ever such a thing as soulmates, Courtney and Ben would be it.

Courtney and Ben are getting married this August! With all that has happened last year we were so happy that we could take some time out to celebrate their engagement before the big day. We spent a weekday afternoon out on their sailboat. We have a very special thank you for their friends Debbie and Russel, who co-captained the sailboat while we took photos. Russel even drove me around the sail boat in Ben’s dinghy so that I could get pictures from outside the boat. It was an adventure! Because of the various obstacles we faced getting pictures on a moving boat, the photo shoot took approximately three hours. Debbie and Russels’ help was absolutely invaluable. Thank you!

Congratulations, Courtney and Ben! We are looking forward to celebrating with you in Vermont very soon.

It was an adventure getting these photos outside of the sailboat!

Do you notice the name of the sailboat? Ben had a smaller sailboat named the “Happy Camper” before they bought this one this past spring. Their new boat is named the “Happy Campers,” because they went from one camper to two! How cute is that? They also plan on sailing Happy Campers to Block Island, Nantucket, and up into Maine for their honeymoon.

Is it even a boat engagement if you don’t do the Titanic pose?

Is it just me or do these two belong in a vintage Ralph Lauren catalogue? Courtney and Ben, you two make a beautiful couple.

We then took the dingy to the little island for some pictures before sunset.


And we were surprised by the loveliest of sunsets….

We made it back to the boat in time to celebrate with a little picnic and a bottle of champagne.


Please leave well wishes for Ben and Courtney in the comments below.